Breaking news
  1. Spencer Siegel Returns to Ridgefield for Third Season
  2. Declan Francis Joins the 2025 Pitching Staff
  3. Raptors Add Lefty Pitcher from Korea
  4. Raptors Land RHP Stunner Gonzales for 2025
  5. Raptors Add Dawson Downs to 2025 Roster

All Time Raptors Roster



# Player Hometown Ht Wt B T Grad Yr School Draft Status
21 Wyatt Adams Seattle, WA 6-4 210 R R Senior Whitman Col
32 Logan Anderson Snogualmie 6-3 195 L L Red Shirt Freshman Portland (U of)
35 Jake Geiss San Jose 6-3 215 R R Junior Loyola Marymount U
37 Blake Hammond Peoria, AZ 6-3 210 R R Junior Northwest Nazarene Uni
36 Curtis Hebert Anchorage, Alaska 6-2 190 R R Junior Portland (U of)
19 Joseph Jasso South Gate 6-2 180 R R Sophomore Canyons (College of the)
34 Ryan McClaskey Camas 6 195 R R Junior Lower Columbia Col
21 Quentin Moreland Alameda 6-2 215 R R Sophomore Olympic Col
30 Wyatt Nichol Laguna Niguel 6-2 165 R R Sophomore Pepperdine U
10 Camden Oram Lacey, WA 6-3 195 R R Senior Linfield Col
33 Damian Pantoya Lubbock 6-1 205 R R Red Shirt Freshman Texas A&M
22 Carson Revay Stockton 6-4 220 L L Sophomore Fresno St U
27 Dylan Richardson Vancouver 6-3 220 R R Sophomore Edmonds CC
14 Tito Santos R R Texas A&M
17 Austin Stalwick Gresham 6-2 215 R R Junior Mt Hood CC
38 Dylan Stewart Alameda, CA 6-5 196 R R Junior Pepperdine U
11 Jake Swenson Camas 6-4 175 R R Sophomore Linfield Col
2 Drew Townson Bakersfield 6- 195 R R Junior Fresno St U
26 Cole Tryba Seal Beach 6 180 L L Sophomore California Santa Barbara (U of)
29 Hiroyuki Yamada Toyoake Aichi, JAP 6-2 210 R R Senior Mt Hood CC


# Player Hometown Ht Wt B T Grad Yr School Draft Status
8 Isaiah Chacon katy, Tx 6-0 185 L R Junior Mt Hood CC
23 Luke Iverson Saint George 5-0 180 R R Junior Utah Valley U
6 Justin Stransky Puyallup 6-2 185 R R Senior Fresno St U
41 Richard Tejeda III Riverside 6 215 R R Sophomore Southern California (U of)


# Player Hometown Ht Wt B T Grad Yr School Draft Status
28 Ryder Cutlip Meridian, Idaho 6-2 225 L L Freshman Oklahoma (U of)
7 Patrick Engskov Little Rock 6- 185 R R Junior Oklahoma (U of)
9 Andrew Grenert Scottsdale 6-2 175 R L Sophomore Loyola U
26 Nick Holm Happy Valley 5-10 190 R R Junior Linfield Col
31 Doyle Kane Valencia 6-2 210 R R Junior California San Diego (U of)
24 Hunter Katschke Las Vegas 6-3 225 R R Senior Utah Tech
45 Safea Mauai Hilo, HI 6-2 L L Senior Chaminade University
3 Kyle Memarian Vancouver 6- 185 R R Sophomore Gonzaga U
44 Brody Mills Yakima 6-2 250 R R Sophomore Washington (U of)
70 Corey Nunez Torrance, CA 6-3 180 R R Junior California Santa Barbara (U of)
15 Julian Nunez San Diego, CA 5-10 175 R R Senior Pepperdine U
58 Cal Pickhardt Mountain View R R Sophomore Yavapai Col
43 Taylor Takata Kailua, HI 5-11 185 S R Sophomore Hawaii (U of)


# Player Hometown Ht Wt B T Grad Yr School Draft Status
1 Jovan Camacho Stevenson Ranch, CA 5-9 190 R R Senior West Texas A M
4 Ryan Camacho Stevenson Ranch, CA 5-9 195 R R Senior West Texas A M
12 Dasan Harris Parker Tx 6-1 185 L L Sophomore Oklahoma (U of)
16 Jack Salmon Newport Beach 6-3 210 L R Junior Golden West Col
5 Spencer Siegel Playa Del Rey, CA 6-5 215 R R Senior St Martin’s Col
20 Colby Wallace Washington 6-4 220 L L Senior
39 Coby Welte Colorado R R Senior Santa Ana Col


# Player Hometown Ht Wt B T Grad Yr School Draft Status
18 JJ Fontana Poudre 6-0 165 S R Sophomore Colorado St U Pueblo



# Player Hometown Ht Wt B T Grad Yr School
22 Eastyn Culp Vancouver, WA 6-4 200 R R Sophomore Umpqua CC
41 Ryder Edwards
26 Brock Gillis 6-2 210 R R Portland (U of)
18 Ross Goldschlag Encinitas, CA 6-2 215 R R Sophomore Sonoma St U
36 Andres Gonzales
37 Blake Hammond Peoria, AZ 6-3 210 R R Freshman Northwest Nazarene Col
48 Hunter Holmes Eastvale, CA 6-4 200 L L Junior Mt San Antonio Col
19 Joseph Jasso South Gate 6-2 180 R R Freshman
4 Dillon Kirksey
24 Cale Mathison Boerne, TX 6-2 190 R R Junior The Masters Col
32 Michael Miller Ridgefield WA 5-9 190 L L Sophomore Clark CC
10 Camden Oram Tumwater, WA 6-3 190 R R Sophomore Lower Columbia Col
30 Sawyer Parkin Vancouver 5-11 190 R R Junior Washington (U of)
21 Oscar Patron L L
27 Nicolas Prater R R
29 Charlie Royle Long Beach, CA 6-3 200 R R Freshman Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
23 Joe Schwab Portland, OR 6-2 195 L L Junior Puget Sound (U of)
20 Dylan Stewart Alameda, CA 6-5 196 R R Freshman Pepperdine U
45 Peysen Sweeney Newcastle 6-6 225 R R Sophomore Washington (U of)
33 Logan Valtierra Battle Ground 5-10 210 L L Junior Eastern Oregon St Col
28 Nate Wenzel Mercer Island, Wash. 6-5 200 R R Junior Allan Hancock Col


# Player Hometown Ht Wt B T Grad Yr School
31 Evan Liebl Los Alamitos, CA 5-11 185 Junior West Texas A M
11 Cole Sheehan Chandler, AZ 6-1 190 L R Sophomore Pepperdine U
6 Justin Stransky Puyallup, WA 6-1 175 R R Sophomore Fresno St U


# Player Hometown Ht Wt B T Grad Yr School
46 Jackson Nicklaus Arlington, Texas 6-0 183 L R Junior Oklahoma (U of)
44 Corey Nunez Torrance, CA 6-3 180 R R Freshman California Santa Barbara (U of)
1 Julian Nunez San Diego, CA 5-10 175 R R San Diego CC
2 Drew Townson Bakerfield, CA 6-0 180 R R Sophomore Bakersfield Col
14 Jake Tsukada Aiea, HI 5-9 175 L R Senior Portland (U of)


# Player Hometown Ht Wt B T Grad Yr School
15 Jovan Camacho
17 Ryan Camacho
39 Henry Muench Seattle, WA 5-10 190 R R Junior Portland (U of)
8 Trent Prokes Modesto, CA 5-10 180 L L Junior Cumberland U
16 Jack Salmon Newport Beach, CA 6-3 210 L R Freshman Golden West Col
43 Nick Seamons San Diego, CA 6-2 190 R R Junior Lewis-Clark St Col
34 Massimo Vega


# Player Hometown Ht Wt B T Grad Yr School
3 Riley Fender
20 Nick Holm
5 Spencer Siegel Portland 6-4 196 R R Sophomore San Diego Christian Col



# Player Hometown Ht Wt B T Grad Yr School
21 David Allen R R Pacific U
15 Eastyn Culp Vancouver, WA 6’4 185 R R Sophomore Umpqua CC
18 Chandler De Jong Mesa 6’3 200 R R Sophomore San Diego Christian Col
13 Andy Evans Meridian, Idaho 6’2 205 R R Freshman Spokane Falls CC
0 Logan Geiszler R R
41 Gary Hall Windsor 6’0 175 R R Freshman San Jose St U
35 Ben Hart Lakeside 6’2 200 L L Sophomore Dixie St Col
44 Ryan Harvey Roseville, CA 6’3 200 R R Freshman California Santa Barbara (U of)
28 Jacob Kokeny Cupertino, CA 6’3 170 R R Sophomore San Diego Christian Col
7 Ryan Obrecht Omaha 6’4 190 R R Senior Wayne St Col
30 Sawyer Parkin Vancouver 5’11 170 R R Freshman Washington (U of)
9 Jeter Schuerman Spokane 6’2 230 R R Freshman Spokane Falls CC
23 Joe Schwab R L
17 Eli Shubert Eagle, ID 6’1 170 R R Junior Lewis-Clark St Col
33 Nate Weeldreyer Auburn, WA 6’1 197 R R Gonzaga U
22 Braiden Youkon R R


# Player Hometown Ht Wt B T Grad Yr School
26 Tyler Howard Vancouver,WA 6’1 205 R R Freshman Portland (U of)
40 Isaac Lovings Beaverton 6’0 235 R R Senior Pacific U
37 Riley McCarthy Vancouver, WA 6’1 215 R R Freshman Portland (U of)
3 Jacob Sharp Whittier, CA 5’11 195 R R Sophomore Fullerton Col


# Player Hometown Ht Wt B T Grad Yr School
20 Mikey Kane Valencia 6’2 195 R R Freshman Oregon St U
11 Nate Kirkpatrick Surrey, BC 5’11 190 R R Freshman St Marys Col of California
16 Sy Steele Yakima 5’8 170 R R
14 Jake Tsukada Aiea, HI 5’9 170 L R Junior Portland (U of)
10 Safea Villaruz-Mauai Hilo, Hawai‘i 6’1 240 L L Sophomore Brigham Young U
1 Travis Welker Lompoc, CA 5’8 170 R R Senior Fresno St U


# Player Hometown Ht Wt B T Grad Yr School
19 Austin Caviness Chico 5’9 175 L R Sophomore Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
4 Doyle Kane Valencia 6’2 210 R R Freshman California San Diego (U of)
29 Henry Muench Seattle, WA 5’10 190 R R
8 Trent Prokes Modesto 5’10 175 L L Junior Modesto JC
43 Alex Sepulveda Crespi 6’2 175 R R Sophomore Canyons (College of the)
32 Spencer Siegel Portland 6’4 196 R R
6 Lateef Wakil Poway, Ca 5’11 165 L L Freshman California Davis (U of)


# Player Hometown Ht Wt B T Grad Yr
24 Will Chambers Val Verde, CA 6’3 230 S L Sophomore Dixie St Col


Nick Allen Assistant Coach
Chris Cota Head Coach
Tyler Raskin Assistant Coach



# Player Hometown Ht Wt B T Grad Yr School
44 Thomas Blahous Woodway, WA 6’3 230 L L Freshman Washington (U of)
37 Byron Clack Placerville, CA 6’5 230 R R Freshman Portland (U of)
21 Jacob Fried Seattle, Wa 6’6 190 R R Freshman Loyola Marymount U
45 Brock Gillis Everett, WA 6’2 200 R R Freshman Portland (U of)
17 Parker Goin 6’2 200 R R Pierce Col
40 Ryan Harvey Roseville, CA 6’3 200 R R Sophomore California Santa Barbara (U of)
38 Jaren Hunter Damascus, OR 6’2 220 R R Freshman Oregon St U
31 Beau Kearsey L L
29 Ben Lake L R Red Shirt Freshman California Berkeley (U of)
32 Ben Larson Port Orchard, WA 6’4 210 R R Sophomore Gonzaga U
2 Jett Lodes Yukon, OK 5’10 155 R R Freshman Oklahoma (U of)
28 Mike Miller L L
35 Josiah Nickel R R
12 Nick Nygard Vancouver, WA 5’9 185 L L Senior Portland (U of)
16 Ryan Pitts Vancouver, WA 6’2 210 R R Sophomore Lower Columbia Col
5 Eli Shubert Eagle, ID 6’1 170 R R Sophomore Lewis-Clark St Col
27 Andrew Troppmann Fairbanks, AK 6’3 205 R R Sophomore Clark CC
33 Nate Weeldreyer Auburn, WA 6’1 197 R R Washington (U of)


# Player Hometown Ht Wt B T Grad Yr School
10 Dominic Enbody Wilsonville 6’2 205 L R Junior Antelope Valley Col
9 Grant Heiser Camas, Wa 6’0 195 R R Sophomore Seattle U
34 Dylan Jester 5’11 188 R R
41 Isaac Lovings R R Pacific University
43 Bradlee Preap R R


# Player Hometown Ht Wt B T Grad Yr School
24 Will Chambers Val Verde, CA 6’3 230 S L Freshman Canyons (College of the)
18 Kody Darcy Enumclaw Washington 6’2 195 R R Junior Nicholls St U
8 Brooks Dyer R R Eastern Oregon
26 Tanner Jacques Vancouver, WA 5’10 165 R R Junior Linfield Col
20 Mikey Kane R R
6 John Peck Moorpark, CA 6’0 190 R R Freshman Pepperdine U
36 Patrick Stark Redondo Beach, CA 6’3 190 R R Freshman Loyola Marymount U


# Player Hometown Ht Wt B T Grad Yr School
23 Tafton Hensley Mooresville NC 6’2 205 R R Freshman Canyons (College of the)
3 Micah McDowell Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada 6’1 193 L R Sophomore Oregon St U
1 Wade Meckler L R Oregon State
16 Quadrese Teague L L


# Player Hometown Ht Wt B T Grad Yr School
4 Doyle Kane R R
39 Brady Kasper Mission Viejo, CA 6’2 200 L R Freshman Oregon St U


Nick Allen Assistant Coach
Daniel Buratto Pitching Coach
Chris Cota Head Coach



# Player Hometown Ht Wt B T Grad Yr School
3 Peter Allegro Tacoma, WA 5’10 190 R R Portland (U of)
35 Braihan Calderon R R Western Oklahoma State Col
8 Ethan Clough Temecula,CA 5’10 175 R R Long Beach State
28 Drake Estes 6’5 215 R R Clark CC
33 Wesley Harper San Jose,CA 6’2 185 R R Boise State University
11 Nick Markantonatos 6’1 190 L R Clark CC
32 Joey Martin Comfort,TX 5’11 185 R L Kansas St U
13 Hayden Minich Vancouver,WA 6’3 165 R R Mt Hood CC
4 Matt Olstead Vancouver,WA 5’10 180 R R Jamestown Col
16 Eli Schubert Eagle,ID 6’0 155 R R Lower Columbia Col
36 Brandon Steele Kingsburg,CA 6’4 250 R R Vanguard U
26 Trask Telesmanich Gladstone,OR 6’1 200 R R Oregon Institute of Tech


# Player Hometown Ht Wt B T Grad Yr School
10 Dominic Enbody Wilsonville,OR 6’2 215 L R Concordia U
37 Isaac Lovings Beaverton,OR 6’0 235 R R Concordia U
18 Kevin Miser Ridgefield 5’9 200 R R Vanguard U


# Player Hometown Ht Wt B T Grad Yr School
17 Willie Cano Gilbert, AZ 6’1 175 R R Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
1 Wyatt Hoffman Del Mar,CA 5’9 160 R R Pacific (U of)
14 Cole Posey Georgetown,TX 5’10 185 S R Boise State University
6 Cameron Repetti Cypress,CA 6’3 205 R R Cal St Fullerton
7 Jonny Weaver Pheonix,AZ 6’0 175 R R Grand Canyon U


# Player Hometown Ht Wt B T Grad Yr School
24 Jack Bauer Vancouver,WA 5’8 180 L R Campbellsville U
9 Dusty Garcia Port Orchard,WA 6’0 175 L R Arizona St U
31 Michael Hicks Coeur dAlene,ID 6’7 250 L R Boise State University
12 Grayson Sterling Boise,ID 6’3 185 L R Gonzaga U


# Player Hometown Ht Wt B T Grad Yr School
23 Michael Yourg San Diego,CA 6’2 215 L R San Diego (U of)


Nick Allen Assistant Coach
Chris Cota Manager
Rob Paramo Pitching Coach